Baby Name Malcolm Baby names and meanings, Baby names, Unusual baby names

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With Scottish and Old Irish origins, Malcolm is a boy's name meaning "devotee of Saint Columba." Malcolm is a strong and traditional Scottish name that is still in regular use in the modern era. A royal name of Scotland, Malcolm was the name of four Scottish kings including the son of Duncan who succeeded the throne after Macbeth.

Malcolm Name meaning, origin, variations and more

Thinking of names? Complete 2021 information on the meaning of Malcolm, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby boy name.

Meaning of Name

1. resolution 2. january 3. year 4. new 5. manifest 6. evacuate 7. janus 8. firmament 9. punitive 10. toast MALCOLM: "servant of (St.) Columba," from máel "servant," etymologically "bald, shorn, hornless," from PIE base… See origin and meaning of malcolm.


Meaning of Malcolm: Name Malcolm in the Scottish origin, means A devotee of St, Colomba. Name Malcolm is of Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Malcolm are usually Judaism by religion.

First name Malcolm, popularity, evolution and trend

In Gaelic Baby Names the meaning of the name Malcolm is: Servant/disciple of Columba. Famous Bearers: Conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent and U.S. black militant Malcolm X (Malcolm Little).

Malcolm Name Meaning & Origin Middle Names for Malcolm

The name's meaning is disciple of Saint Columba. It is derived from the element 'mael' meaning disciple, prince, chief. Mael Coluim (Old Irish) is an older form of Malcolm.

Malcolm Name Meaning

Baby Names › Malcolm Malcolm Updated: October 25, 2021 by MomsWhoThink Staff Malcolm is a baby name of Scottish origin that means "disciple of Saint Columba". Malcolm has been popular since 1900 as a solid, traditional boy's name. Malcolm has increased in popularity since 2010 and is #290 s of 2020. Meaning of the name Malcolm:

Malcolm Meaning of Name

Meaning. Devotee of Saint Columba. Region of origin. Scotland. Malcolm, Malcom, Máel Coluim, or Maol Choluim is a Scottish Gaelic given name meaning "devotee of Saint Columba ". Maol or shavenhead is Scottish Gaelic for monk.

Malcolm Classic Name Print Classic names, Personalized art print, Names with meaning

The name Malcolm is of Scottish origin and means "disciple of Saint Columba." In the medieval period, Saint Columba was a highly revered saint in Scotland, and the name Malcolm became popular as a result. History of the Name Malcolm

Malcolm Name Tattoo Designs

The meaning of the name "Malcolm" is: "A Dove". Additional information: The name Malcolm is used by William Shakespeare in his play "Macbeth". Categories: Australian Names, British Names, Celtic Names, Cool Names, Literary Characters Names, New Zealand Names, Scottish Names, Shakespeare Names

Baby Name Malcolm Baby names and meanings, Baby names, Unusual baby names

Their name comes from the Gaelic personal name "MacChaluim" which means "son of Calum," oe "son of St. Colomba." The names MacCallum and Malcolm are used interchangeably as Calum is the often Anglicized as Malcolm. [1] Early Origins of the Malcolm family

Malcolm Name Meaning What does Malcolm mean? Names with meaning, Amelia name meaning

Malcolm is a Scottish name with a Gaelic origin. It is derived from Maol Chaluim, meaning 'the devotee of St. Columba.' Known as one of the twelve apostles of Ireland, Saint Columba is an Irish abbot who founded the Iona Abbey, which is the main reason for the rise of Christianity in Scotland.

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This name is composed of two elements: from the Old Irish and Proto-Celtic "máel" (bald, bare, shaved, shorn, tonsured 'chief, prince'), plus the Gaelic "Coluim / Cuilén," meaning "whelp, young dog." Coluim is also used as a Scottish form of "Columba," from the Latin "cŏlumba," meaning "dove."

Malcolm Baby name book, Names with meaning, Character names

What is the meaning of the name Malcolm? The name Malcolm is primarily a male name of Scottish origin that means Follower Of St. Columba. Different Spellings of the name Malcolm: Malcom. People who like the name Malcolm also like: Theodore, Owen, Henry, Oliver, Declan, Benjamin, Liam, Charlotte, Evelyn, Amelia, Olivia, Eleanor, Alice, Violet.

MALCOLM Name Analysis / Your name tells you YouTube

The name Malcolm is a boy's name of Scottish origin meaning "devotee of St. Colomba". Malcolm is a warm and welcoming Scottish appellation (originally Mael-Colium) that fits into that golden circle of names that are distinctive but not at all odd.

Malcolm Classic Name Print Classic names, Names with meaning, Names

Malcolm Forename Meaning From Where Does The Surname Originate? meaning and history A male name. Gaelic mael-Columb, 'servant' or 'disciple of Columb', a favourite Scottish name. It is occasionally found in England in the Middle Ages. Of late years it has come into use in England even with families who have no close Scottish connexions.

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